LinkedIn Made Easy

Fastest way to create viral graphics

Our Genie AI will write an infographic for you in just a few seconds.
No Purchase Needed
6x Follower Growth
In my first 2 months, I had grown more than 620% by posting 38 infographics I created with LIME.
Blake Bullis
1,500+ Reposts
My best performing post (by far) is a LIME infographic which has been reposted over 1,500 times.
Chris March
Blown Away
I'm absolutely blown away by its ability to put together near-fully formed infographics in a matter of seconds.
Colby Kultgen
Generated infographics in the last
60 days
LinkedIn Made Easy
Paul Dykes
It’s My Catalyst
My LinkedIn growth? Explosive. More reactions, reposts, and followers. I tripled my following in less than 2 months.
Roshan Chander
Blake Bullis

Grow your audience on LinkedIn

Stop the Scroll
Infographics are 30x more likely to be read than written content.
More Shares — Bigger Reach
People like and share infographic content 3x more than any other content on social media platforms.
Readers Prefer Infographics
70% of social media users would rather learn about a topic through infographics than text.
62% of content creators make use of infographics at least twice a week.
Save Hours
Every Month
Top infographic creators spend 1.5 - 3 hours on each graphic.
Using LIME, you can design graphics in minutes.

More than just an infographic tool

LIME is building a suite of AI-powered tools that help you save time with all of your daily content creations.

And we are just getting started!

We continuously publish new templates, test new designs, and add new features.

Real World Templates
Quickly edit the most popular real world mashups and access our exclusive collection you can’t get anywhere else.
Handwritten Templates
Use our collection of handwritten designs that blend personal touch with creative flair, perfect for making your content stand out.
Supports All Social Media
Our drag-and-drop designer is flexible and allows you to build content for any of the social media platforms, not just LinkedIn.
Improved Post Generation
Our founder felt all other post generators were just glorified ChatGPT responses. So we built our own, one that sets a higher standard that we believe you will appreciate.
Build Carousel Pages
Our carousel pages are AI generated right alongside your infographic designs, allowing you to create a more engaging experience for your audience.
Best Infographics Generator
Our infographics are designed to be engaging and informative, helping you to create content that your audience will love. No other tool does what we do.
Viral graphics you can rewrite in seconds.